o nas

Establishment of transport companies

As one of few companies we offer complex service at the registration and following business in the area of international transportation for newly established shipping companies.

Establishing a shipping company is more complicated and demanding considering the existence of several legislation conditions that must be fulfilled by a newly established shipping company. We make efforts to provide our clients with maximum comfort to minimise the need for client´s co-operation at the company establishment. In an ideal case, one personal meeting would suffice and we could arrange all the rest.

We provide our clients with the following services:
fajka establishing and registration of a company including virtual office services
fajka services of responsible representative of the company with a valid Certificate of Professional Competence
fajka licence for business in domestic road cargo transportation issued by a relevant Regional Authority
fajka licence issued by the Communities for international road cargo transportation which is a business
fajka registration of trucks (lorries) in the Slovak Republic
fajka co-operation at subsequent technical inspections in Slovakia
fajka leasing mediation
fajka hiring the staff - drivers
fajka accounting maintenance

Interested in obtaining more information or ordering any of the services? Do not hesitate and contact us!

Virtuálna kancelária:
Lacná a efektívna
Ak si prenajmete služby virtuálnej kancelárie, môžete za lacné peniaze využívať obchodné sídlo na exkluzívnej adrese. K tomu môžete mať služby asistentky či účtovníčky. Celý článok

Firmy si založili stovky virtuálnych kancelárií
Má to totiž svoje veľké plus – v čase krízy a znižovania nákladov dokážu takto spoločnosti výrazne ušetriť. Celý článok

Biznis s virtuálnymi kanceláriami
Prenájom administratívy využívajú firmy, ktoré nepotrebujú vlastné sídlo. Celý článok